Blogs - Mount Havana

Why a Villa? Because it is the Best Holiday You Could Have!

Villa – the word conjures up images of luxury, comfort, spaciousness, relaxation, tranquility and bliss. A villa connotes holiday and happiness – a place you would go to to escape the routine and stressors of day-to-day life. A villa promises unwinding and repose, the chance to slow down and take things easy.

A private haven

Staying in a villa is the best break anyone can get. Unlike a hotel, where you are most often amidst throngs of people, a villa is a completely private space. There is no pressure to ‘dress up’ for meals or watch how loudly you speak and laugh. There is no jostling for a deck chair or that last slice of smoked chicken at the buffet table. There is no loud music from the lobby or lounge or even the room next door. The villa is yours alone and you (and those you are with) can set the tone for your holiday.

Freedom from restrictive routines

Hotels often have a routine to follow: meal times are specified and the pool and activities have operating hours. When you stay in a villa, you are free to set your own schedule. Don’t want to get out of bed before ten? Then don’t! Feel like staying up till the wee hours of the morning? Go right ahead! You map your own routine and the staff will willingly oblige. No one will force you to have breakfast before ten and the pool lights can stay on for as long as you like.

Delicious delicacies

When you are on holiday you often have cravings for different types of food, things that you may not normally indulge in. Villa chefs will curate meals to match your mood and appetite. You will not be restricted to a select number of menu options – you get to decide what you would like to have for each meal. And the food will be prepared exactly the way you want it. Because everything is cooked fresh, you don’t have to settle for soggy toast or dry fruits that have been left out on a buffet table for a couple of hours.

Better still, villa chefs and kitchen staff will be able to recommend local specialities. They can prepare local meals that will take you on a flavourful culinary adventure. As you tantalize your taste buds, you will also get the rare opportunity to learn about each dish, its blend of ingredients and its cultural significance.

Beauty and culture

The location of a villa is almost always significant and forms an intrinsic part of the experience. Whether it is breathtaking views, a salubrious climate, starry skies, invigorating hiking trails, tranquil walks, beautiful flora, unusual wildlife or an exceptionally serene environment, a villa gives you the opportunity to connect with your surroundings and enjoy something out of the ordinary.

You will also be able to immerse yourself in the culture of the town or village where the villa is situated. If you are someone who finds joy in connecting with different people and gaining exposure to diverse lifestyles, villas often offer guided tours and immersive activities. The villa staff will make all the necessary arrangements for you so that all you need to do is be ready by the appointed time.

Why Mount Havana is Perfect for Multigenerational Travel

The Mount Havana experience

Villa stays certainly trump hotel stays in multiple ways. So, the next time you plan a holiday, try Mount Havana Luxury Villa. Located in Gampola in the Kandy District, Mount Havana is the perfect place for a quiet retreat with family and friends. The villa has five bedrooms, including two suites and each room is equipped with modern amenities. The 25-acre estate of Mount Havana is filled with lush greenery making it a picturesque setting that is sure to calm the mind and soothe the soul.

There is plenty to do while at Mount Havana. As a former kingdom of ancient Sri Lanka, Gampola is dotted with many wonderful historical sites, all within easy access from Mount Havana. A tea growing region, you can also visit a tea factory and witness first hand how the world-class Ceylon tea is made. There are also golf tours and visits to the elephant orphanage. If you would rather stay put, then the estate itself has a range of activities, including bird watching, butterfly spotting, nature walks, bee farming and cooking.

If you desire a getaway from the chaos and craziness of the city, but still need your creature comforts, then Mount Havana the place to visit. You can indulge in luxury while also steeping yourself in the wonders and beauty of nature – the perfect holiday formula.

Educational Outreach and Guest Engagement

The beekeeping experience at Mount Havana is carefully scheduled to align with the natural rhythms of bee activity and to ensure the best experience for both the bees and our guests. The best time to visit the beehive is in the morning, between 8 and 10 a.m., when the bees are most active and the temperature is lower, making it easier to handle the hives and observe the bees’ behaviour.

Education is an important part of our beekeeping experience. Mount Havana provides guided tours in which visitors can wear protective gear and learn about the complexities of bee behaviour, hive management, and the essential role bees play in the ecosystem. These encounters are not only enriching but also eye-opening, leaving guests with a greater understanding of the importance of bees in our world.


Mount Havana is more than just a destination; it’s a doorway to enjoying the perfect combination of opulent lifestyle and environmental stewardship. Set against the gorgeous background of Gampola, near the historic city of Kandy, our villa provides a one-of-a-kind blend of calm and adventure. Whether you’re a nature lover, an aspiring beekeeper, or simply inquisitive about the origins of your food, Mount Havana offers a rewarding adventure that enhances every visit to this exquisite Sri Lankan retreat.

Each visit to Mount Havana provides an opportunity to unwind in luxury while also participating in important, sustainable practices that make a difference. Beekeeping is just one of the ways we connect with nature and increase awareness of its beauty. Our guests leave with memories of the stunning landscapes and luxurious amenities, as well as a newfound appreciation for the natural world.

During your visit, we encourage you to discover Mount Havana’s distinct features. Mount Havana offers the ideal blend of luxury and nature, and your stay has a good impact on the environment. Book your stay at Mount Havana and discover the true meaning of eco-friendly luxury.

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